Information about this site

    Cúige Chonnacht

    Cúige Laighean

    Cúige Mumhan

    Cúige Uladh

    An Ghaeltacht Thar Lear

    An Ghaeltacht Osnádúrtha

    An Breach Ghaeltacht

    An Ghalltacht

    The Gaeltacht is the name given to the place where Irish is spoken as the usual language. In Ireland there are Gaeltacht areas in Tír Chonaill, Muigheó, Gaillimh, Ciarraí, Corcaigh agus the Royal County, as well as the unrecognised Gaeltacht area in Belfast.
    However on the internet we are cocentrating on the sites which use Irish as the principal language or at least give it equal rights to others. These are given links here. Usually links are in the provinces to which they belong. Thus "Lá" is faetured in Cú Uladh (Ulster), and "Foinse" is in Cúige Chonnacht. In any case these links are all listed under Nascanna (Links).
    Other pages which do not fulfill the conditions but which are of interest are listed in An Breach Ghaeltacht where English and other languages tend to predominate. Foghlaimeóirí Some sites which are for organisations and parishes which by right should be listed in one of the Gaeltacht Areas are listed here because they contain perhaps a token content in Irish. is divided into provinces: Uladh, Connachta, Laighean, Mumha, Thár Lear and Ósnadúrtha. Links from these pages are to sites which have a reasonably complete Irish content.

    The page identified as Breach Gaeltacht has links to sites which have some but incomplete Irish content.

    The final page is called the Galltacht. There are two types of link here. The first links listed are those which one might reasonably expect to have some Irish content.
    The second is of links (mostly abroad) which may be of interest.
    We must put an end to that shameful state of feeling, which makes young Irish men and women blush and hang their heads when overheard speaking their own language. An Craoibhín Aoibhinn, 1892

Labhair Gaeilge
Léigh Leabhair Gaeilge.